Motivation and Hope,  Uncategorized

Take Your Power Back!

There are so many times we run behind things and people that are either not meant to be in our lives or choose not to be. In some cases they are meant to be in our lives, however, they often mistreat us or discourage us whether it is intentionally or unintentionally. We must remember that although people may say and do hurtful things to us, these things can only tear us apart if we allow them to. We have the power and we must take it back!

We have the power to keep pressing and keep believing in ourselves even when others do not. We have the power to overcome obstacles regardless of what others say about us. We have the power to live out our dreams and achieve our goals even if some do not believe that we can. We have the power to allow ourselves to be healed and delivered from things that happened in our lives that could have stripped us of our self esteem and knowledge of our worth. We have the power to make a difference in the lives of others and in our lives as well. It is time to take our power back!

Often times we allow rejection and negativity from loved ones define who we feel we are. Those words and actions cut deep and can often have a way of keeping us from living our lives to the fullest. We unintentionally begin to make life decisions based on limitations because we have allowed people to stop us from seeing our greatness. It is time to stop allowing people that power. We can no longer allow the insecurities of others impact us to such a magnitude. There is no need to continue to pursue and chase those who have made a decision to dismiss us because they refuse to recognize our value. We must stop giving them power that they do not deserve! Know your importance! Know your own value! Know your abilities and take your power back!
