
The Only One in the Room

Sometimes it is difficult when you are the only one in the room.  The only one that looks like you, that speaks like you, and the only one that thinks like you.  Sometimes it is a challenge when you are the only one who brings the passion that you do, the feelings you do, and the perspective that you do.  It feels lonely sometimes to be the only one in the room.  What about the moments when you stand out in the room, but you are not sure if people see that as a blessing or a curse?  How do you handle knowing that not many people in the room know who you truly are?  When you understand that not many understand you.  It gets difficult sometimes in the room when you know that others do not comprehend how you do what you do or why you do what you do.  When others don’t understand what makes you tick and why you move as you do.  It gets hard being the only one in the room.  So, what do you do when you are the only one in the room?  When you are the only one in the room you still show up and show out!  You continue to bring your “A” game even when the others don’t get it! You walk in the room with confidence and assurance that not only are you the only one like you in the room, but you are the only YOU in the room!  You are unique!  You are special! You are an original!  Take control of that room! Take the room by storm!  Don’t be afraid! Don’t be intimidated! Move in your purpose and be proud of your culture and your differences! Be proud of your passions and your ideas! Be proud of who you are! Love who you were created to be and let that uniqueness that has been birthed in you shine in the room!  Sometimes it pays off to be the only ONE in the room!

Never be afraid to be uniquely you!


  • Kenny Johnson

    Oh my Goodness! I really needed to read this. I have always struggled with this very thing. But I’ll continue to be who God created me. Thanks Heart2inspire!

    • Brandy Jackson-Frazer

      I’ve taken a role where many times I feel that I am the only one who genuinely cares. I’ve struggled with not using my voice or presence simply because I didn’t feel like anyone cared enough to hear or understand what needed to be said. This post reminded me that removing myself and my voice is supportive of those who don’t care. My voice is powerful, I have a unique skill set, and if I want to change the culture, I must show up with passion, precision, persistence, and perseverance. Thanks for inspiring our hearts.


      • heart2inspire

        Your voice is powerful my dear! I will always remember the talks we had in Germany. I missed talking to you so much. Your words are filled with wisdom, compassion, and love. Don’t ever forget who you are. I love and miss you!

  • Judy Higgs

    I loved this!!! I feel like this all the time!!! I am a diamond I add value to any room. It’s a blessing to know who you are and whose you are!!! Continue to shine bright like a 💎

  • Ms. Jones

    That’s Right I’m the ONLY ME in the room and I’m going to Show Up and Show Out with My Head held High!! That’s Right My Sistah you betta speak these Powerful Words. I Love your Passions, Your Uniqueness, and your Love – Always Be YOU. Can’t nobody do it Better!!! (I meant it just like that)💜💜💜