Motivation and Hope,  Uncategorized

Stop trying to fit into a mold that was not created for you!

Everyone was created in a unique manner.  We all have been given talents and abilities that set us apart from everyone else.  There is a “special something” associated with us all that sets us apart from the rest.  It is time that we accept that “special something” and stop trying to fit in a mold that was not created for us. We were not meant to become duplicates of someone else.   Even in the case of identical twins, there is a uniqueness that sets them apart.  Some people spend their entire lives attempting to reach goals that someone else set for them.  They fail to find their identity because they are constantly trying to live in someone else’s.  These people, which a lot of us have been at one point, become consumed with doing what it takes to satisfy the desires of others, while they are dissatisfied.  They are trying to fit into a mold that was not created for them.

Sometimes we unintentionally feel obligated to live in the shadow of those we respect and admire.  In some cases it may be our parents. Sometimes it may be older siblings.  In some cases it may even be a close friend.  However, we must realize that regardless of how hard we try, that is not our mold.  We will never be able to fit in a mold that was not created for us.   We were created with visions and dreams that are unique to us.  We were created with special characteristics that cannot be erased, not even by DNA.  We were made to stand out in our own way and to create our own picture.

I encourage everyone today to discover and accept your mold.  Learn to appreciate the “special something” that defines you and only you.  Appreciate the fact that God has designed you and enabled you to create your own destiny and paint your personal picture.  You have a mark that is to be set only by you!  Know that you are extraordinary, one of a kind and irreplaceable.  Stop trying to fit into a mold that was created for someone else.  Embrace your differences, live your dreams and fill the mold that was designed specifically and specially for YOU!  You might as well do it because no one else can.