
Forgive Yourself

Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made.  Forgive yourself for the wrong decisions.  Forgive yourself for not being the perfect parent.  Forgive yourself for not being the perfect child.  Forgive yourself for not being the perfect student. Forgive yourself!  Forgive yourself for not being where you think you should be in life.  Forgive yourself for not getting it right the first time.  Forgive yourself for not getting it right the second time. Forgive yourself for not being the perfect wife.  Forgive yourself for not being the perfect husband.  Forgive yourself for not being the perfect employee.  Forgive yourself! 

Forgive yourself for taking time for you.  Forgive yourself for sometimes not taking time for you.  Forgive yourself for forgetting things sometimes.  Forgive yourself for not completing that project yet.  Forgive yourself for taking extra time to finish your degree.  Forgive yourself!  Forgive yourself for the extra pounds.  Forgive yourself for not making the team.  Forgive yourself for things that were out of your control.  Forgive yourself for the things that were in your control.  Just forgive yourself!  

Forgive yourself for trusting those that hurt you.  Forgive yourself for the relationships that failed.  Forgive yourself for not waiting.  Forgive yourself for waiting too long.  Forgive yourself for struggling with insecurities.  Forgive yourself for needing help.  Forgive yourself for missing the mark.  Forgive yourself for whatever you have gotten wrong in the past and remember that everyday is a new opportunity to get it right.  Forgive yourself!