
Me, is Who I Choose to Be

I remember a time when I resented many things about myself.  The way I looked, the way I thought, and my passions.  Why did I have to be different?  Why did I have to be shaped this way?  Why did I have to care the way I care?  Why couldn’t I be physically stronger?  Why was I so emotional? I was often misunderstood and my words were ignored which caused severe insecurities and a lack of confidence.  These are just some of the things that caused me to dislike God’s breathtaking creation, ME.  Now, I have finally learned to fully love and embrace myself, therefore, me, is who I choose to be.

I will not live my life in the shadow of others.  I will no longer spend my time trying to prove myself in order to be accepted.  Why?  Because I accept me and me, is who I choose to be.  I love my body.  I love my hair.  I love my style.  I love me and ME, is who I choose to be. I love the words I speak. I love the fact that I am literal.  I love my no nonsense attitude and I will not apologize or live in regrets.  I love my passions.  I love my compassion.  I love the way I think. I love the way I love. I embrace myself and me, is who I choose to be.  I no longer give people the power to make me dislike things about me or who I was created to be.  They no longer have the power to break me down with their words, thoughts, opinions, misperceptions, lies, or their choice to ignore the true me.  I love me and me, is who I choose to be.    

I love my abilities and my strengths.  The way I walk, the way I talk, the way I smile,  the way I laugh are all a part of me and me, is who I choose to be.  I am not perfect but even my imperfections are a part of me and me, is who I choose to be.  I am an original and I am unique.  I am me and me, is who I choose to be!