
Yesterday I was looking through my gallery, on my phone, in an attempt to get rid of photos and videos that I no longer need. While going through my pictures, I came across this photo. My mind immediately went back to September 2018. I remember so vividly driving myself to the emergency room in excruciating pain and thinking I would receive medicine to pass a kidney stone and be back home in time to pick my kids up from school. Well, I was wrong. I had no idea that I was septic and very sick. That emergency room visit turned into a 4-day hospital stay. I remember the urologist and a couple of the nurses telling my mom and me that I was “really sick.” One nurse advised me that I would have been in ICU fighting for my life had I waited a day longer to come in. The crazy thing about it all is that I had no idea that I was even sick. Kenny was in Korea and, I was so busy taking care of three kids and a newborn that I did not take the time, to take the couple of signs I did have seriously. I even went to a check-up and spoke with the nurse about my symptoms but, then I told her that I would schedule another appointment for those particular symptoms because I did not have time that day. Gosh, I think back to that time now and, I am still dismayed at how I ignored myself to the point where I almost died! I am so thankful that God saw fit to keep me here longer. I am also grateful for the science used to help keep me here. I would advise anyone and everyone to take the time to take care of you in every way. Listen to your body, don’t ignore changes regardless of how small they are. If your instinct is telling you that something is wrong, listen! Don’t put off medical care because you think you will be alright. If you do not know about sepsis, get educated because it kills people daily. God spared me and, for that, I am grateful. People are dying every day. I have no idea when it will be my time. However, I know 2018 was not. I was given more time to be with my loved ones for that, I am grateful.