
We Must Choose To See


This past Thursday while sitting in bible study, the Apostle of the church we attend said something that really made me think he said “you have to see it”.  This is actually something that he has said on multiple occasions, however, this time that saying caused a different effect then it had in the past.  This time I was encouraged to start seeing my dreams manifest in mind even before they actually come to past.  For example, although I only have a few blog followers I have begun seeing myself as a professional blogger (writer) with multiple followers.  I now see myself with several books that are best sellers although I haven’t finished writing my first one.

God has given us all dreams and desires. Deep down on the inside of us there is something that we have been given that can pave the way for us to go from just having what we need to having an abundance of what we need as well as things that we desire.  God has placed something powerful on the inside of us that can change our lives greatly; however, we must choose to see it!

We must begin to visualize ourselves walking in greater things.  It is time that we stop just dreaming and begin visualizing, planning and moving.  We have the potential to make more money, achieve unimaginable success and make an impact on our communities.  All of us carry something on the inside of us that can help transition us to the position of employers instead of employees but we must choose to see it.

When people say that life is choice driven this is the truth. It is a choice to accept and expect greater levels of success in your lives.  Although each one of us have the ability not everyone will make a choice to reach for more.  Not everyone will choose to see themselves reaching what seems to be unreachable.  I encourage everyone to see yourselves in higher positions on your job, as the owners of the business and not just working for the business.  See yourself with your own franchise, chain or brand name.  We often times settle because we choose to.  Start now choosing to see yourself where you want to eventually be and in time it will surely manifest.  We must choose to see!