
If Only…


If only someone would see them for whom they could become.  If only someone would understand the pain, abuse and neglect they’ve been through and how it has affected them.  If only someone would care to prove that regardless of their behaviors, emotional outburst and hurtful words that they are still capable of being loved.  The ones they depended on the most failed to provide them with the love, safety and security that they not only needed but deserved.  This is often times why they may be withdrawn and somewhat reserved.  They move from place to place due to different reasons, some which they have caused on their own.  Deep down inside many still have a deep longing, to have a place where they can call home.

They often hide what they truly feel because rejection, confusion and fear have become a common place. Some things they have no idea how to express and it is often shown in other ways.  If only someone would dare to take the chance to see their inner beauty, their potential and their worth.  If only someone would realize that the outside appearance is not all that is truly there.  If only someone would say, maybe I can do it, without regards to blood relation.  If only someone would realize that changing one life leads to many.  If only someone would understand that they are needed to make a difference today, tomorrow and forever more.

Kids and Candy


 The Call to Help Make a Difference

In the United States there are over 400, 000 of our children in foster care. It is no secret that our child welfare system is broken due to low funding, over worked but underpaid social workers, a lack of foster care/adoptive homes and the need for policy reform.  Many of these youth have been in several different foster homes and over 100,000 are waiting to be adopted.  While we must be upfront that the situation will be challenging as these children are victims of neglect, physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse, however, they are still children in need.  They are in need of someone who is willing to give them a chance at unconditional love which is something many of them may not know.

I would like to encourage anyone who has thought about fostering and or adoption to continue considering the opportunity.  Yes, it is an opportunity, an opportunity to show unconditional love to a child in need.  An opportunity to help provide a child with the morals, values and life skills needed to be a productive member of society.  An opportunity to teach, motivate and encourage a child to give life all they have because they have the potential to succeed just as any other child does.   Although it may not be an easy task, the impact that you will make on the lives of those children will be one of the most rewarding experiences.  They need me, they need you, they need us!


Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 (NKJV)